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Amazing Summer 2021

Dear Chaverim*ot!

With the starting of a new and exciting year of Hashomer Hatzair, we are happy to share with you the experiences we went through this last summer and our plans for the coming year.

So what did we do this summer?

Summer Machane

At the beginning of the summer, we traveled with all the kids to Döbriach for a week of camping full of activities, swimming in the lake, nature hikes and many wonderful experiences.

European Seminar in Austria

This year we hosted here in Austria the whole European movement for a joint seminar, we met together with 200 shomrim*ot from 11 different countries and talked about topics like hadracha skills, our values and ideology and their meaning today. At the end of the seminar we voted and reached decisions at the European level regarding the nature of our movement for the coming years.

Machane Israel

This year, due to all the difficulties, the official Machane on behalf of the world movement was canceled. Despite this challenge we decided not to give up and to insist on a trip to Israel, at least for us. so with the help of the world movement, different government ministries and the Jewish Agency we managed to obtain a special visa and be the only country from Europe to make this trip come true!

In Israel we explored around the country - we visited Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, the north and the desert. We met with representatives from the Arab and Bedouin society, we learned and discussed about the problems and challenges in Israel and most of all we got a lot of very exciting and empowering experiences.

Seminar Shlichiom*ot in Austria

We have not yet had time to relax and once again we hosted an international seminar here in Austria, this time for all Shlichim*ot of Hashomer Hatzair that are leading the Kenim in Europe. During the seminar we talked about the coming year and all the joint activities we plan to hold in it.

Renovation and digitization of a Jewish cemetery

During the summer we had the honor to volunteer with the organization re:Member Vienna in renovation and digitization of the Jewish cemetery in floridsdorf. The idea of ​​the project is to build a bridge between the people who are just coming to the semetery and the people who have almost been forgotten. In practice that meant for us today to help revise the incomplete database, we were happy to help

Sadly we will say goodbye

At the end of this year we are forced to say goodbye to three very significant people for us - Lola, Raoul and Victor who in the last two years have held roles in the leadership of Hashomer Hatzair and are now moving on to new adventures. Thanks for all the help and dedication!

What awaits us this year?

We started the year not long ago and already we see the effects of a successful summer and all the hard work of the Madrichim*ot when we managed to break a record with an impressive number of 100 kids in our mifkad!

Looking forward for another amazing year

Chazak Ve’ematz!

Ilan Gat - Shaliach


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